Ragged Red

Ragged Red Goodies

Openstreetmap Blog
Open Maps. Making not just the best free map, but the best map.

How to use Codepoint postcode overlays

How to use the Office of National Statistics postcode overlays

New Postcodes
Show places with new postcodes - they may need surveying for OSM

OS Compare
Compare OS Opendata overlays on an OSM background

Open overlays
Compare OS Open space overlays on an OSM background

OSM tile index
Find the tile index for an OSM tile and check it's status

Postcode Finder
Locate a postcode in Great Britain

A relief map of the Hull area based on Environment Agency LIDAR open data

Toads spread around Hull
A rather old example of using Leaflet to display clickable points on a map

Searching the census records for Swanland

Swanland maps
Swanland over the years

Clockenflap festival map
Finding your way around Clockenflap just got easier

Plaques around Hull
Examples of displaying plaques mapped around Hull, some blue, some not.
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3

IP Address
What's the IP address that we see from you?